
Casual viernes is where you come to listen to discussions that impact the Latinx community. Everything from social justice, religion, finances and even tech. Come for the conversation, stay for the chisme.



America Calleros

America is a born and raised Chicagoan. She has spent the last 20 years of her life working in the tech industry as a Software Engineer. When she is not writing code she is spending time practicing yoga, meditation, reading and spending time with her family. America has a passion for social justice, science and theology . In another life she would have preferred to have attended Hogwarts.

Oscar Delgadillo

Oscar is a Mexican born Chicago raised Software Engineer. He has an obsession with fountains and has a collection worth envy of. He has a loving husband of over 4 years. Together they raise their fur pooch Booper. Oscar has a passion for helping folks of underrepresented communities break into tech and support them throughout their carreer.




 Original artwork by Anusbanush